Application of The Edutok Method (Education by Tiktok) in The Osmosis Pressure Learning
The purpose of this research for describing student performance learning of osmosis pressure material by online learning assisted by social media in TikTok Apps here in after referred to as the EduTok method (Education by TikTok). The method of this research use pre-experiment with the research design of the One-Shot Case Study. The subject of this research is 39 students of Chemistry Education Study students 3rd semester in the Capita Selecta Chemistry 1 course. Data were collected by instrument using performance sheets. The result shows that in learning activities at the pre-virtual class meet session, students make a resume of material from the learning video. In the virtual meet class, students conduct discussions and work on practice questions. Students design the EduTok video project at the out-of virtual class meet session. The proportion of student performance in the pre-class virtual meeting session was 88%, the virtual class meeting session was 100%, while out-of virtual class meeting was 98% so that the average proportion of student performance, in general, was 95% classified as a very good category. Thus, the EduTok Method can be used in learning chemistry online and can measure student performance.
Keywords: osmosis pressure material, online learning, social media, tiktok
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