Assessing Students' Mathematical Creativity in Learning with STEM Contexts on Practical Problems of Derivative Applications
Providing opportunities by freeing students to explore learning mathematics is an implementation of creativity. In order to improve mathematical creativity, it is necessary to use an interdisciplinary approach to learning various mathematical concepts with the application of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) principles. This study aims to describe students’ mathematical creativity in learning with STEM context on practical problems of derivative applications by using the descriptive research analysis method. This study uses a qualitative approach with stages covering problem formulation, sample selection, research limitations, instrumentation, data collection and analysis, and conclusion. The subjects of this study were students of the 4D Mathematics Education Class with a sampling technique that was purposive sampling in terms of self-efficacy. The analytical techniques carried out for STEM learning were pretest, posttest, self-efficacy questionnaire, and student response questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that learning with the STEM approach can increase students’ mathematical creativity in solving practical problems of derivative applications. This shows that the STEM approach can equip students to be creative and resilient in dealing with various problems and changes that occur in the future.
Keywords: mathematical creativity, practical problems of derivative applications, stem
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