Implementing Improved Learning Strategies on Achieving Metacognition Skills of Students in Junior High School
This research aims to examine the achievement of metacognition skills of students who obtain improved learning strategies with scientific learning compared to students who obtained conventional learning (Scientific). This research is a mixed method with concurrent embedded method. It consists of an experimental class that obtained improved learning strategies and a control class that obtained conventional learning (Scientific). The population of this research were students from one of the State Junior High Schools in Jambi with the characteristics of the average achievement of the National Final Examination score of 3.38 and the school accreditation was A. The sample of this research was students from class VIII of two classes. The results showed students who obtain Improve learning strategies have a tendency to perform metacognition skills with indicators of planning, monitoring, and evaluation more than students who obtain conventional learning (Scientific).
Keywords: improved learning strategies, junior high school, metacognition skills
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