Symbol Sense Ability of Students to Solve Linear, Quadratic, and Rational Equations
In learning algebra, one of the skills needed to be acquired by students is solving equations, such as linear equations in one variable and quadratic equations. This study aims to analyze the symbol sense ability of students by investigating strategies used to solve algebraic equations that consist of linear, quadratic, and rational equations. A qualitative descriptive method was conducted. The instrument included a test with one linear equation, one quadratic equation, and three rational equations (involving linear or quadratic factors). The test was administered to 12 students from 12th-grade high school in Bandung. Each student was asked to solve it in two different ways of answers if possible. The results showed that students were able to use symbol sense strategies for solving problems. However, there were still mistakes in solving algebraic squared value concepts, affecting their final results of the answers. We conclude that even if students can use their symbol sense abilities properly, they need to pay attention to their mathematics concepts.
Keywords: Symbol Sense Ability, Solve Linear, Quadratic, Rational Equations
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