Analysis of Students' Perception of the Implementation of E-Learning USK: An Evaluation Using the CIPP Model
Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) has developed E-Learning USK, a Learning Management System to face the era of The Fourth Industrial Revolution. E-Learning USK was implemented thoroughly when the COVID-19 pandemic was enforced. However, information regarding the effectiveness of using this LMS is not yet available. Therefore, through this research, a survey was conducted to obtain an overview of the effectiveness of the implementation of E-Learning USK from the student’s point of view. The research sample consisted of 504 students from various faculties at USK. The research instrument used was a Likert scale, which was developed based on the CIPP model indicators and distributed online using a Google Form. Data analysis was done descriptively. The results showed that students considered the application of E-Learning USK to be in the “good” category. However, they assume that there are still obstacles to the campus infrastructure. This study provides recommendations that will become input for strategies and policies for implementing LMS in Indonesia, especially at Universitas Syiah Kuala.
Keywords: Students’ Perception, E-Learning USK, CIPP Model
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