Application of Genetic Problem-Based Online Discussion to Improve Communication and Collaboration Skills for Teacher Candidates
Communication and collaboration skills are important skills that prospective teachers need to have. This ability is trained in genetics courses through online discussion activities based on genetic problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of applying genetic problem-based online discussions on communication and collaboration skills among prospective teachers in discussing genetic problem solving. This research was conducted experimentally in three different classes in applying genetic problems, namely problems from students, problems from students and instructors, and problems from instructors. Students’ communication and collaboration skills were measured through the observation of online discussion activities. Discussion activities were carried out during four genetic lecture meetings, with four discussion themes on the basic material of chromosomal inheritance. Analysis of students’ communication and collaboration skills using MANOVA tests and post hoc differences tests with SPSS 22 to determine differences in students’ communication and collaboration skills in each class. The results showed that there was an increase in students’ communication and collaboration skills with the application of online discussions based on genetic problems, with the highest increase in classes that implemented online discussions with students’ problems.
Keywords: Genetic Problem-Based, Communication and Collaboration Skills, Teacher Candidates
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