Effectiveness of Cooperative Problem Solving on Energy Concept in Physics Learning for Improving Students' Creative Thinking Skills
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the cooperative problem solving learning model in improving students’ creative thinking skills on the concept of energy. The research method used is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. The research was conducted at Garut. The research population were students of class X MIA 1-10. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. A total of 60 students of class X MIA 1 and 9 were selected, (41 female and 19 male). Students’ creative thinking ability is obtained from pretest and posttest in the form of an essay test of 12 questions. The improvement of each student’s creative thinking skills (Torrance) indicators to the concept of energy was obtained from the calculation of N-Gain with the values of smoothness (0.85), flexibility (0.56), and elaboration (0.72). The effectiveness of the learning model was tested using t-test hypothesis with the assistance of the SPSS version 28 proving that there is an increase in creative thinking skills after the implementation of cooperative problem-solving learning model on energy concept. Thus, the cooperative problemsolving learning model is very effective to be used as a solution in improving students’ creative thinking skills.
Keywords: cooperative problem solving, energy concept, creative thinking skills
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