TPACK Competency Analysis of Prospective Physics Teachers Using CoRe Instruments
This study aims to determine the TPACK competence of prospective physics teachers based on the suitability of CoRe with lesson plans and the value of preparing lesson plans. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This method is used to provide an overview of the subject under study. The subjects studied were 12 prospective physics teachers who took the micro teaching even semester academic year 2021 program at the Department of Physics Education at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung. The instruments used are of course the CoRe sheet, lesson plans, and assessment sheet of lesson plans. The lesson plans that are seen as analysis are uniformly accelerated motion, parabolic motion, work and energy. From the results of the study, it was shown that the prospective who compiled the lesson plans of uniformly accelerated motion is 76.5% (good), parabolic motion is 66% (medium), and work and energy is 78% (good). As for the value of the preparation of the lesson plans, each received a score of 75.0 (enough). A good and correct lesson plan is to include all components so that later during the learning process the teacher can refer to the lesson plans that have been prepared previously.
Keywords: TPACK, CoRe instruments
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