Deductive Reasoning and Mathematical Resilience in Complex Analysis
The pre-research data of mathematics prospective teachers in one of the universities in Bandung showed that the deductive reasoning ability in complex analysis was still not at good level. Beside the cognitive aspect, the affective aspect could be considered too in doing learning process, such as mathematical resilience. This study aims to analyze and identify the correlation between deductive reasoning and mathematical resilience in complex analysis. The research was conducted in one of the mathematics education departments of a university in Bandung. Correlation was the method used in this study. Mathematics prospective teachers were the sample of this research. This study concluded that mathematical deductive reasoning of prospective teachers was on a moderate level, the mathematical resilience of prospective teachers was on the positive category, and there was a significant correlation between deductive reasoning and the mathematical resilience of prospective teachers on a moderate level.
Keywords: deduktif reasoning, matchematical resilience, complex analysis
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