Is VIRAL Lab Needed? Analysis of Teacher's Needs in Aceh Physics Lab




Virtual and real (VIRAL) laboratories are instructive facilities that can improve both learning results and have their particular advantages. The merger of the two laboratories is expected to significantly increase the effectiveness of the laboratory in learning physics. This study aimed to analyze laboratory activities, especially the VIRAL Lab on school physics subjects in Aceh. The study was conducted on 33 school Physics instructors (8 male and 25 female) in Aceh. This study used a survey method with a questionnaire instrument for laboratory usability investigation. The analysis used was descriptive quantitative. The results of the study illustrate that more than 80% of physics teachers in Aceh require hands-on and virtual labs in online and offline learning, 97% of physics teachers in Aceh still require virtual lab designs, and only 39.3% of teachers have combined VIRAL labs in one physics subject in Aceh.

Keywords: VIRAL lab, teacher’s needs, physics lab


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How to Cite

Muliandi, A., Samsudin, A., Sinaga, P., & Ngadimin, ‎ . (2024). Is VIRAL Lab Needed? Analysis of Teacher’s Needs in Aceh Physics Lab. KnE Social Sciences, 9(13), 1033–1042.