View of Pre-Service Teacher Regarding Math and Science Literacy
As future teacher candidates, pre-service teachers must have good mathematical and scientific literacy. Therefore, this study aims to describe the prospective of teacher students’ mathematical literacy and scientific literacy. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study with deep interview techniques. A total of 8 studentteacher candidates from the mathematics education, biology, and chemistry education study programs were selected to be interviewed. The results showed that students equipped with an understanding of mathematical literacy and scientific literacy in literacy-related programs and literacy lectures responded positively.
Keywords: teacher regarding, math literacy, science literacy
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[2] OECD. PISA 2015 assessment and analytical framework: Science, reading, mathematic, financial literacy and collaborative problem solving. Paris: OECD; 2017.
[3] Kemendikbud, “Panduan gerakan literasi nasional,” (2017).
[4] OECD. (2018), “PISA 2018 science framework.,” Presented at the April (2019).
[5] Godek Y, Kaya VH, Polat D. Determination of the relationship between mathematics literacy, mathematics content knowledge and science literacy according to PISA 2012. Pressacademia. 2017;4(1):84–9.
[6] Suharyono E, Rosnawati R. Analisis buku teks pelajaran matematika SMP ditinjau dari literasi matematika. Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika. 2020;9(3):451–62.
[7] Wardono and A.W. Kurniasih. Peningkatan literasi matematika mahasiswa melalui pembelajaran inovatif realistik e-learning edmodo bermuatan karakter cerdas kreatif mandiri. Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif. 2015;6(1):93–100.
[8] Liana M, Sugiarti T. “Teacher’s questioning skills in elementary science classroom to facilitate student’s higher-order thinking skills,” In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Maritime Education, ICOME 2021, 3-5 November 2021, Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands, Indonesia. pp. 89–100. EAI (2022).
[9] Y??lmaz Kogar E. The investigation of the relationship between mathematics and science literacy and information and communication technology variables. Int Electron J Elem Educ. 2019;11(3):257–71.
[10] Kemendikbud, “Mendikbudristek lepas 16.757 mahasiswa program kampus mengajar angkatan 3.,”
[11] Ojose B. Mathematics literacy : are we able to put the mathematics we learn into everyday use? Journal of Mathematics Education. 2011;4(1):89–100.
[12] Kaye Stacey and R. Turner. Assessing mathematical literacy. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2015.
[13] Wulandari N, Sholihin H. Analisis kemampuan literasi sains pada aspek pengetahuan dan kompetensi sains siswa SMP pada materi kalor. Edusains. 2016;8(1):66–73.
[14] Bagasta AR, Rahmawati D, M DM, Wahyuni IP, Prayitno BA. D.M.F.Y. M, I.P. Wahyuni, and B.A. Prayitno, “Profil kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik di salah satu SMA Negeri Kota Sragen.,”. Pedagogia : Jurnal Pendidikan. 2018;7(2):121–9.
[15] Kartimi K, Winarso W. Enhancing students’ science literacy skills; Implications for scientific approach in elementary school. Al Ibtida: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru MI. 2021;8(2):161.
[16] Habibi H, Suparman S. Literasi matematika dalam menyambut PISA 2021 berdasarkan kecakapan abad 21 [ Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Matematika]. JKPM. 2020;6(1):57.
[17] Liana M, Alpindo O. Pengembangan e-worksheets berorientasi ICT literacy pada mata kuliah pengantar teknologi informasi pendidikan matematika untuk mahasiswa tahun pertama. Jurnal Cendekia : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika. 2021;5(1):223–37.
How to Cite
Liana, M. ., Elvi, M. ., Asma Riani Siregar, N. ., & Susanti, . (2024). View of Pre-Service Teacher Regarding Math and Science Literacy. KnE Social Sciences, 9(13), 1043–1051.