STEM: Its Potential in Developing Students' Computational Thinking




Computational thinking skills are a person’s ability to solve problems with several passed processes. The process is recognizing patterns, decomposing patterns, compiling algorithms, making models, and doing abstractions. This ability is essential for students to master understanding aspects of computational problems. It also helps students evaluate the suitability of computational techniques to solve the problem. In addition, this computational thinking ability can also help students understand the limitations and strengths of computing techniques, apply or adapt computing tools/techniques to new uses, recognize opportunities to use computing in new ways, and apply computational strategies. The STEM approach, is learning that integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to develop creativity in solving problems. The transformation of the educational process in the current era that requires a high level of technology makes STEM one of the keys to progress and innovation in developing human competence. Based on a study of more than 30 articles and research results related to the effect of STEM on student learning outcomes, we can conclude that learning using STEM has the potential to develop students’ computational thinking skills. This article discusses how, theoretically, we can acquire computational thinking skills through education with a STEM approach.

Keywords: STEM, developing students’, computational thingking


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How to Cite

Pratama, K. A., & Widjajanti, D. B. (2024). STEM: Its Potential in Developing Students’ Computational Thinking. KnE Social Sciences, 9(13), 1074–1083.