Empowering Student's Learning Involvement Through STEM Approach in Citizenship Education Learning in the New Normal Era
This study identified the empowerment of student’s learning involvement through STEM approach in learning Citizenship Education during the New Normal era at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and STKIP Pasundan, Cimahi. This study used quantitative and qualitative research procedures which undertook three steps: 1) preparing the use of the STEM approach in citizenship education learning; 2) implementing the STEM approach in citizenship education learning; and 3) reflecting the implementation of the STEM approach. The results showed that students had an awareness to learn, experience, and directly experience themselves. Learning was carried out concretely as well as by developing cooperative attitudes in students. In addition, 30% of the empowerment of students’ learning involvement in visual activities was conducted in the form of reading, viewing images, observing experiments, and demonstrations, while 50% of oral activities (i.e., expressing opinions, connecting an event, asking questions, and giving suggestions), and 20% of writing activities (i.e., writing reports, making outlines or summaries, and doing tests). This article concludes that student learning involvement through a stem approach in civic education learning is in an effort to produce quality cognitive, psychomotor, and affective human resources. The STEM approach used in civic education learning can ultimately increase the activeness and attitude of student involvement.
Keywords: empowering student’s, learning involvement, STEM approach, in citizenship education learning, new normal era
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