Bibliometric Computational Mapping Analysis of Publications on Science Process Skill Using VOSviewer
This study examines the development of “science process skill” research through a bibliometric approach to computational mapping analysis using VOSviewer. The article data was obtained from the Google Scholar database using the publish or perish reference manager application. The title and abstract of the article are used to guide the search process by referring to the keyword “science process skill”. Nine hundred sixty-seven articles were found that were considered relevant. The study period used as the study material is the Google Scholar-indexed article for the last six years (2018 to 2023). The results showed that science process skill research can be separated into 3 terms: science process skill, process skill, and science process. The first term is “science process skill” that is included in cluster 1, which has 71 links, a total strength of 4342 links, and 888 occurrences. The second term is “process science”. This term is included in cluster 4, which has 61 links, a total link strength of 278, and 47 occurrences. The third term is “process skill”. This term is included in cluster 3, which has 67 links, a total link strength of 570, and 100 occurrences. There was an increase in the number of publications from 2018 to 2021. However, it experienced a decline in 2022 up to July 2023. This indicates a decreasing trend in the number of publications in research on science process skills in the last three years, from 2021 to 2023. The results show that research related to science process skills still has a high enough opportunity to be researched. Several keywords related to “science process skills” have not been or are rarely used in research, some of which are an integration of learning models, prospective teachers/pre-service teachers, mixed methods research, assessment of learning, assessment as learning, and assessment for learning. This review can serve as a starting point for research related to other materials.
Keywords: bibliometric, computational mapping, science process skill, VOSviewer
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