A Local Wisdom in Science Education Using Bibliometric Mapping and VOSviewer
This study aimed to explore the growing trend of research direction in the field of science education based on local wisdom. This study used Scopus search analysis and VOS viewer software. Based on 343 articles (319 selected documents) selected from Scopus-indexed journals, co-authorship, co-citation, co-occurrence, and cluster and content analysis were carried out. The method used in this research is a bibliometric study using the Zupic and Cater standards by applying five standard workflows consisting of, (a) study design; (b) data collection; (c) data analysis; (d) visualization; and (e) interpretation. The results of the quantitative analysis showed that the most important publications on science education based on local wisdom are instruments and products. Literature on local wisdom-based science education has explored the results of this study revealing that 15 topics that have become the latest research trends and are related to this study include studies on, local wisdom, science, ecosystem, science learning, education, development, social science, local knowledge, scientific knowledge, research method, society, assessment, sustainability development, tradition, and culture. The bibliometric study that was conducted illustrates science education researchers that studies related to the development of science teaching materials based on local wisdom to achieve sustainable development goals in the field of education quality (ESD) and life on land (ecosystems). Future research is expected to strengthen the national identity and character of students by applying local wisdom-based science learning to achieve sustainable development goals.
Keywords: local wisdom, science education, bibliometric mapping, VOSviewer
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