Development of Digital Modules in the Environmental Toxicology Course at the Undergraduate Level in the Biology Program Study
The need for digital modules is required in the implementation of distance learning. This study aims to develop a digital module in “environmental toxicology” lectures at the undergraduate level of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education. The existence of this digital module can support the implementation of the Independent Learning Program - Independent Campus (MBKM) in the FPMIPA. The method used in this study was a case study with a descriptive approach. Learning media was developed through the ADDIE approach, which consists of 5 stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This study involved two experts as digital module validators and 10 students involved in learning environmental toxicology through learning management system (LMS). At the end of the implementation, students were evaluated to determine the level of student understanding during the online independent learning process. The results of this development were in the form of a digitating of 14 meeting materials, mid-term; final exam; content on the SPADA-UPI Learning Management System; and IPR Digital Module Innovation. Based on the validation and reared validation and readability test results, digital modules can be used to support online learning of environmental toxicology.
Keywords: digital modules, environmental toxicology, biology program study
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