Potential Sector Mapping for MSMEs in Magelang City Related to Insurtech Needs
Technological developments in Indonesia continue to increase. This is followed by an increase in the level of insurance literacy. Digital-based insurance or InsurTech is the use of insurance products offered online. It is expected that the development of MSMEs in Magelang City will have the convenience of buying insurance products as an asset safeguarding investment in the event of an unexpected accident. The purpose of this study is to identify the potential of the MSMEs sector, identify related legal InsurTech services that can be accessed by MSMEs, and provide an important overview of InsurTech for safeguarding assets as a supporter of MSMEs sustainability in Magelang City. The study was carried out descriptively and supported by secondary data in the form of the number of MSMEs, MSMEs workers, and turnover. Data analysis was done using the Location Quotient method. The findings of the study show that the City of Magelang consists of four MSMEs sectors, namely, services, trade, agriculture, and production/non-agriculture. The study is divided into three regions with different base sectors. The northern region of the base sector included services, agriculture, and production/non-agriculture. Services and trade are the basic sectors in the central region, while the southern region has trade and production/non-agricultural base sectors. The results of the InsurTech mapping study show that there are four insurance services registered with the OJK including Qoala, Yuk Takaful, Cermati, and Pasar Polis. MSMEs sustainability can occur after the mapping of potential MSMEs and InsurTech sectors has been identified.
Keywords: insurtech, MSMEs, location quotient, labor, turnover
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