Carbon Emissions Disclosures: A Bibliometric Review


  • Septiani Fransisca Bina Darma University
  • Bernadette Robiani Bina Darma University
  • Inten Meutia Sriwijaya University
  • ‎ Yusnaini Sriwijaya University



This study aims to examine the research output on Carbon Emissions Disclosures from 2005 to 2023. This study found a link between Carbon Emissions Disclosures, GHG Disclosure, and Climate Change Disclosures. The relationship between all three has received research attention. The study describes the interaction between Carbon Emissions Disclosures, GHG Disclosures, and Climate Change Disclosures. It is a bibliometric analysis of the literature and assesses the current state of science. Data for this study were generated from the 42 top-level academic journals registered in the Scopus database. Understanding of Carbon Emissions Disclosure, GHG Disclosure, and Climate Change Disclosure was shaped and enhanced through researchers’ collaborative network maps. Their reach extends to a variety of networks, core themes, and streams, as research topics evolve. The results of this research can be used by academic researchers to aid their understanding of Carbon Emissions Disclosures, GHG Disclosures, and Climate Change Disclosures, to identify the current context and to develop future research agendas. The findings of this research can increase industry practices on Carbon Emissions Disclosures, GHG Disclosures, Climate Change Disclosures, and how these can be used as tools to address various challenges.

Keywords: carbon emissions disclosures, GHG disclosures, climate change disclosures, bibliometric review


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How to Cite

Fransisca, S., Robiani, B., Meutia, I., & Yusnaini, ‎ . (2024). Carbon Emissions Disclosures: A Bibliometric Review. KnE Social Sciences, 9(14), 374–386.