The Moderator Effect of Cyberloafing on Workload and Employee Performance
Multi-finance companies require technology to carry out their business activities. However, its employees are prone to cyberloafing. In addition, a high workload can also affect the performance of employees. This study aimed to analyze the impact of cyberloafing and workload on the performance of multi-finance companies in Palembang. Data were collected through questionnaires. The sample in this study was company employees at multi-finance companies in Palembang. The data was analyzed using multiple linear regression statistical methods. The results of this study were expected to provide a broader understanding of the impact of cyberloafing and workload on the performance of multi-finance company employees in Palembang. The results of this study were also expected to provide insight to managers and organizational leaders in developing effective strategies to overcome cyberloafing problems and minimize employee workload to improve their performance. This research can also provide input to companies to optimize the use of technology and efficient division of workload in the workplace to increase employee productivity.
Keywords: cyber loading, financing growth, workload, performance
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