Review of Musharakah Islamic Finance Articles in Indonesia-Malaysia Database and Scopus Bibliometrics
Musharakah is an Islamic financing contract. This study analyzed articles on musharakah using bibliometrics and a literature review on articles from Indonesia and Malaysia. While bibliometric analysis of Islamic economics and finance has been previously conducted, it has not been carried out on musharakah in particular. The analysis began by using musharakah as the initial keyword and analyzing other keywords which are part of Islamic economics research from the specified databases. This study found that Indonesian and Malaysian scholars authored many articles on musharakah. Relatively less research on musharakah has been published in Scopus-indexed journals. The earliest articles on musharakah in Scopus-indexed journals were published in 1999. In the past 10 years, musharakah articles in Scopus-indexed journals were authored mainly by Malaysian and Indonesian academics.
Keywords: musharakah, bibliography, financing
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