The Influence of Digital Marketing, E-WOM, and Trust on Purchasing Decisions at A Case Study of E-Commerce Consumers in Kudus


  • Vina Ayuningrum vManagement Department, Universitas Muria, Indonesia
  • Nurul Rizka Arumsari Management Department, Universitas Muria, Indonesia
  • Keke Tamara Fahira Management Department, Universitas Muria, Indonesia



This research aims to determine the influence of digital marketing, e-WOM, and trust on purchasing decisions on e-commerce in Kudus. This research uses a quantitative approach with primary data sources. The population of this research comprises all e-commerce consumers in Kudus, the exact number of which is not known. The sample was determined using purposive sampling techniques, with a sample size of 115 respondents. The data analysis methods employed include the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, t and F hypothesis tests, and the coefficient of determination test. The research results indicate that: (1) there is a positive influence of digital marketing on purchasing decisions; (2) there is a positive influence of e-WOM on purchasing decisions; (3) there is no influence of trust on purchasing decisions; (4) there is a simultaneous influence between digital marketing, e-WOM, and trust on purchasing decisions on e-commerce in Kudus.

Keywords: digital marketing, e-WOM, trust, purchasing decisions


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How to Cite

Ayuningrum, V. ., Rizka Arumsari, N. ., & Tamara Fahira, K. . (2024). The Influence of Digital Marketing, E-WOM, and Trust on Purchasing Decisions at A Case Study of E-Commerce Consumers in Kudus. KnE Social Sciences, 9(18), 157–168.