Organizational Performance: Integration of Commitment, Spirit, and Teamwork
This research aims to test the effect of teamwork, workability, and work spirit on work productivity through organizational commitment. Senior employees feel a sense of discomfort toward junior employees at work because of the different work abilities between senior and junior employees. Good work productivity can be achieved by teamwork, workability, and good work spirit among company employees, and it can help to achieve organizational commitment. The method used was purposive sampling with a sample size of 194 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique was descriptive statistical analysis, outer model and inner model using SEM SmartPLS version 3. This research shows that teamwork has a positive effect and no significant effect on work productivity. Moreover, it has a positive and significant commitment organization. However, workability and work spirit affect productivity and organizational commitment positively and significantly. Commitment organizational variables can mediate teamwork, workability, and work spirit to work productively.
Keywords: commitment, spirit, teamwork, organizational performance, workability
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