Employment Inclusion as a Solution to Overcome Poverty and Economic Inequality in Indonesia


  • Afriansyah Noor Sriwijaya University




This research aims to explore the impact of employment inclusion on poverty alleviation and income equality, identify gaps in the literature, and provide factors that hinder or facilitate employment inclusion in Indonesia. The challenge of this research is the persistence of poverty and economic inequality in Indonesia, despite the country’s rapid economic growth. A qualitative literature review was conducted to analyze existing studies regarding employment inclusion, poverty alleviation, and income equality in Indonesia. The literature review shows a strong correlation between financial inclusion, economic growth, and poverty reduction, especially in high- and middle-income countries. This report examines the relationship between economic growth and poverty alleviation in Indonesia, the impact of education, unemployment, and poverty on income inequality, and the relationship between government spending, microfinance, and poverty in Indonesia. The results of this research contribute to the existing literature by generating and analyzing key findings on employment inclusion, poverty alleviation, and income equality in Indonesia.

Keywords: employment inclusion, poverty, economic inequality


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How to Cite

Noor, A. (2024). Employment Inclusion as a Solution to Overcome Poverty and Economic Inequality in Indonesia. KnE Social Sciences, 9(17), 113–126. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v9i18.16342