Digital Initiative in the System of Withdrawal, Collection, and Distribution of Song and/or Music Copyright Royalty in Indonesia
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital disruption in various aspects of human life, one of which is the change in the lifestyle of music fans and connoisseurs from physical to digital forms. The proliferation of various applications and digital platforms that contain song and/or music copyrights around the world has directly and indirectly affected the way music and songs are enjoyed in Indonesia. In countries that are both technologically advanced such as the United States, various technological innovations have been created to be able to provide optimal legal protection against the use of copyright songs and/or music on digital platforms. This paper discusses about digital initiatives that have been and should be carried out by Indonesia in order to provide optimal legal protection against the use of song and/or music copyrights on digital platforms. This legal writing is empirical juridical research and is prescriptive, in nature, to provide solutions to the problems faced.
Keywords: digital initiative, song and/or music copyright, digital platform
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