Model of Collaborative Governance in Housing Provision (Study on Social Rehabilitation Program of Uninhabitable Houses in Prabumulih City South Sumatra Province)
This research was motivated by the high number of poverty in Prabumulih City as seen in data from 2014, which had a population of 174,477 people/km2 with a percentage of poor people of 10.86%. From the integrated data on social welfare of the Prabumulih City social office which amounted to 12,525 in 2016 estimated uninhabitable houses of around 5100 houses. The central government has issued national policies that have been realized in various regions in overcoming uninhabitable houses, but in practice due to limited budgets, the central government program has not been able to solve the problem of uninhabitable houses to date. The problem in this study is how the collaborative governance model in the social rehabilitation program of uninhabitable houses in Prabumulih City. This study aims to find novelty in the use of concepts and theories of the collaborative governance model as a strategy for implementing social rehabilitation programs for uninhabitable houses and their results. This research uses a qualitative approach method with a descriptive research type. The results showed that there were tangible results in the quantity of participation, the number of stakeholder actors involved, both government, private and community, and the acceleration of the results of a large number of social rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses in Prabumulih City which created a positive impact in the socio-economic and health sectors. Based on the findings facilitative leadership can mobilize actors and stakeholders to collaborate which can encourage private and community participation with existing resources synergistically.
Keywords: collaborative governance, facilitative leadership, participation, social rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses
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