Where is the Government's Concern? How does Correctional Revitalization Answer in Realizing the Empowerment of Narcotics Case Convict to Obtain Social Justice and Fulfillment of Human Rights
One of the biggest cases of prisoners (WBP) in correctional institutions throughout Indonesia is Narcotics Cases. The number of prisoners in Indonesia ranks 7th in the World after the United States, China, Brazil, India, Russia, and Turkey which is around 275,518 WBP. As the prison capacity can only accommodate 140,424 WBP so that the overcapacity experienced is around 96%, while other data shows more than 158,000 WBP as narcotics cases (60%). The same thing is also experienced by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sumatra with a total of 20 Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of Correctional Institutions (Lapas) and State Detention Centers (Rutan). At the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights regional office, there are two special narcotics prisons, namely the Banyuasin narcotics prison and the Muara Beliti narcotics prison. The Banyuasin narcotics prison is the closest to the capital of South Sumatra province, which has a capacity of 484 WBP and is filled with 851 WBP narcotics cases. With such large numbers, it is important to encourage and maximize the Revitalization of Correctional Administration program to optimize the guidance of prisoners based on their level of risk keeping in mind the principle of legal protection and respect for human rights based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The Directorate General of Corrections made a breakthrough to optimize the guidance of prisoners by implementing the Correctional Implementation Revitalization policy stipulated in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 35 of 2018, concerning the correctional implementation revitalization policy which discusses the Determination of Super Maximum Security, Maximum Security, Medium Security, and Minimum Security Pilot Project Correctional Institutions. The application of the latest rules of Corrections, namely Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning corrections, where the correctional concept has an inseparable goal from an integrated criminal justice system organized by the government as part of the law enforcement process in the context of services as well as coaching and mentoring for social reintegration. It does not yet have a real model and concept and is felt by the community related to the Empowerment of Narcotics Case Prisoners in the context of realizing social reintegration. It can also be seen from the data in the South Sumatra Regional Office that there are more dealers than users, which is very funny and unreasonable if you think about it in a healthy and rational root of narcotics crime that has long survived and experienced an increasing trend; however, consumers or users are less than the market, namely sellers in terms of cases. Narcotics crimes that have high economic value, makes it difficult for people to find jobs or earn money further leading them to commit drug abuse crimes. For this reason, it cannot be underestimated related to the condition of community powerlessness, which is one of the factors for entering the realm of narcotics abuse. This then becomes a fundamental question in a society where the role of the Government lies in paying attention to and empowering prisoners to be independent. They should also be responsible for restoring the unity of life, living, and livelihood of prisoners where they are a generation of nations that must be saved by the state because their freedom of movement has been taken away by the State. It is important and urgent to gain the attention of the government regarding the empowerment of prisoners in the context to systematics, processes, models, harmonious and accountable concepts, synergy, and collaboration to achieve WBP goals so as not to repeat the crime of narcotics abuse; and can independently play an active role in the community environment and support the National development process.
Keywords: revitalization, corrections, narcotics, WBP
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