The Impact of Organizational Culture, Business Partnerships, and Work Motivation on the Performance of Micro and Small Business Actors in Yogyakarta Sleman District
This research aims to find out the influence of organizational behavior, business partnerships, and motivation on the performance of micro and small businesses in Sleman Regency. The research was conducted in the “Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Communication Forum” in Sleman Regency. This is quantitative research with a sample of 102 micro and small enterprises in Sleman Regency. The data analysis was done by using SPSS with multiple linear regression analysis at the significance level ? = 0.05. Results show that both partial or simultaneous organizational behavior, business partnership, and motivation have positive influences and are significant to business performance. The influence of organizational behavior, business partnerships, and motivation on business performance on the performance of micro and small businesses indicated by Adjusted R Square is 55.1%.
Keywords: performance, motivation, business partnerships, and organizational culture
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