Does The Supporting Environment and Entrepreneurship Education Influence Interest in Islamic Entrepreneurship?
This quantitative research aims to analyze the influence of the Supporting Environment and Entrepreneurship Education on Interest in Islamic Entrepreneurship through Awareness of Islamic Business Potential among students at Muria Kudus University and Nadhatul Ulama Islamic University Jepara. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. Intervening analysis and difference tests are used as data analysis techniques in this research. The hypothesis of this research is that the Supporting Environment and Entrepreneurship Education influence interest in Islamic entrepreneurship. Supporting Environment, Entrepreneurship Education, Islamic Value Beliefs, Cultural Values influence interest in Islamic entrepreneurship through Awareness of Islamic Business Potential. There are differences in interest in Islamic entrepreneurship among Muria Kudus University and Nadhatul Ulama Jepara Islamic University students.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, business, management, digital, SME
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