Application Multicriteria Decision Making in Analysis Of Inequality And Cultural In Sade
Sade Village is a village located in eastern Indonesia, precisely in Rembitan, Pujut, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara which is inhabited by the Sasak tribe. The Sade tribe has unique activities including ikat weaving, carving and Peresean art, as well as a unique culture called “Marriage Cultivation”. So many uniqness in this area, but the problem are many of the human resources in this village are less interested in technology, so the inequality in tourism development models is very far from Bali. This paper use Multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method, is one of the main decision-making problems which aims to determine the best alternative by considering more than one criterion in the selection process. MCDM has manifold tools and methods that can be applied in different fields from finance to engineering design. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the variables modernization, nutrition, taxes, infrastructure, health, religion, customs and family which are in the influence variable or driving quadrant are the main variables that determine the potential to overcome inequality. Economic potential and cultural uniqueness can be further enhanced to provide added value for the welfare of society.
Keywords: Sade Village, Potential, Unique, MICMAC
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