The Church as a Divine Instrument in Advancing God's Mission through the Implementation of Pastoral Counseling
This research uses a qualitative content analysis approach. The data collection technique is done by looking at books and journal articles related to the topic discussed. The data analysis technique was carried out with qualitative content analysis as the main method for discussing the central role of the church as an instrument for carrying out God’s mission, with a particular focus on the effective implementation of pastoral counseling. This research aims to find out what is meant by the church as an instrument of God’s mission. Furthermore, the research aims to determine the implementation of pastoral counseling in the mission of the church and through the church as an instrument of God’s mission. As a result, the church is sent to proclaim the message in and through Jesus Christ, which must be responded to with true faith and repentance. The pastoral function is an operational goal of God’s mission that can be achieved through pastoral services provided to others. Pastors and counselors should learn counseling approaches and techniques to provide more inclusive and relational ministry by exploring forms of collaboration that can be developed through the use of existing resources within the community or through partnerships with mental health professionals and outreach services. Finally, this integrative collaboration enables the church to do mission service through pastoral care with a holistic approach as a dynamic expression of the church’s commitment to fulfill God’s mission on earth.
Keywords: empowering, the church, instrument, God’s mission, implementation, pastoral counseling
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