Analysis of Immanuel Kant's Authentic Theodicy After Tropical Cyclone Seroja in Tunbaun


  • Johanes Marno Nigha Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Imelda Marina DJira Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Merita Florawati Naisanu Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Kurniawati Aseleo Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang, Kupang, Indonesia



The current research aims to understand the concept of Immanuel Kant’s authentic theodicy in the Christian community of Tunbaun Village, Amarasi District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province after the tropical cyclone Seroja in 2021. The methodology used is qualitative research with descriptive methods that present research results in clear and detailed words based on qualitative data. The author then uses literature review results, observations, and interviews, and synthesizes the context of authentic theodice of the local community to produce the following findings: (1) Suffering due to natural disasters strengthens the moral values of society; (2) Growing hope for post-disaster life recovery; and (3) Christian community complaints to God as a result of their suffering arising through certain projections.

Keywords: Immanuel Kant’s authentic theodice, reflections on suffering, Tunbaun Village community post-disaster


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How to Cite

Marno Nigha, J. ., Marina DJira, I. ., Florawati Naisanu, M. ., & Aseleo, K. . (2024). Analysis of Immanuel Kant’s Authentic Theodicy After Tropical Cyclone Seroja in Tunbaun. KnE Social Sciences, 9(22), 319–331.