Lubuk Larangan as Local Genius of Rantau Pandan Community, Bungo Regency, Jambi Province
Lubuk Larangan is a characteristic of the community in Rantau Pandan Village in Bungo District, Jambi Province. Lubuk Larangan is a local heritage comprising cultural values, traditions, and knowledge passed down from generation to generation. This study aims to explore and understand the concept of local genius contained in Lubuk Larangan as an important resource in strengthening the identity and cultural sustainability of the Rantau Pandan people. This research method uses a qualitative approach involving interviews, observation, and literature studies as data collection techniques. Research informants were community leaders having knowledge and experience of Lubuk Larangan, as well as community members who were directly involved in protecting and maintaining Lubuk Larangan’s existence. The study results showed that Lubuk Larangan has become a tradition for the people of Rantau Pandan village, which has value in the formation and maintenance of Lubuk Ban, resulting in a social system such as traditional ceremonies, community meetings, and religious activities and cultural systems that are transmitted through stories and practices that exist around Lubuk Larangan. They play an important role in shaping the identity of the Rantau Pandan community. Lubuk ban forms the concept of local genius so as to provide guidance for the management and utilization of sustainable cultural resources. By strengthening the role of Lubuk Larangan as a social and cultural system, the people of Rantau Pandan can maintain their cultural heritage and use it as a source of local economic development.
Keywords: Lubuk Larangan, local genius, social system, cultural system, Rantau Pandan people
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