Halal Tourism Business Analysis: Demand and Supply Sides
This research aims to understand the halal tourism business by using an analysis of the microeconomic approach, especially in the study of the demand and supply sides. The unit of analysis in this study is the halal tourism object located in Lembang. The data needed is primary data, collected by applying the technique of direct interviews with halal tourism managers and consumers who visit the halal tourism location. The results of this study indicate that halal tourism must be managed in the best possible way to meet the needs of all people by orienting it to the needs of the target market. The demand side shows that the market needs tourism products that guarantee halalness and goodness for culinary products and services that are in accordance with Sharia. From the results of the study it can be concluded that halal tourism has a large market potential (demand), and people need its realization; therefore, the supply side must focus on the interests of the target market.
Keywords: business, halal tourism, supply and demand
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