Resolution of Disputes on the Use of Regional Government Property Land Managed by Individuals in the Community Linked to Principles of Justice


  • Riza Zulfikar Universitas Langlangbuana, Bandung
  • Diliya Mariam Rinzani Universitas Langlangbuana, Bandung
  • Fitria Agung Nursyahda Universitas Langlangbuana, Bandung



Land problems cannot be resolved, but it is hoped that they can be reduced or prevented from an early stage. One of the existing land problems is that it arises as a result of control and management of land by the Regional Government, both land that has become an asset and land that is recognized as a Regional Land Asset. This research aims to formulate a resolution for land disputes over regional assets that are used by the community. This research uses normative legal research methods through statutory, conceptual, case, and comparative approaches as well as the application of legal theories in assessing legal opportunities and justice in the mechanism and process of resolving land rights disputes over assets. The research results show that there are provisions that specifically determine the area of resolving regional land asset disputes. To achieve legal certainty and justice, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of resolving state/regional land asset disputes through an integrated and coordinated dispute resolution scheme. Settlement of local asset land disputes can be done through mediation or justice. The government, in safeguarding assets used by individuals, must prioritize the common interest, in the sense of not harming individuals or society. In resolving land property disputes, the Regional Government is obliged to use, utilize, and manage the land by securing and controlling the property, both administratively and juridically in accordance with the principles of justice and legal certainty. Apart from that, in the revision of the UUPA, state control rights in the field of land law need to be limited by prioritizing the principle of respect for individual property rights which are protected by the 1945 Constitution.

Keywords: disputes, justice, land assets


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How to Cite

Zulfikar, R., Rinzani, D. M., & Nursyahda, F. A. (2024). Resolution of Disputes on the Use of Regional Government Property Land Managed by Individuals in the Community Linked to Principles of Justice. KnE Social Sciences, 9(24), 273–287.