The Implementation of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (Mui) Halal Certification to Msme Products to Realize Consumer Protection
The consumer protection law regulates the rights and obligations to obtain clear information about the products consumed. One essential piece of information is halal certification, specifically the presence of halal labeling issued by BPJPH (Halal Product Assurance Executing Agency). However, many consumers have not obtained or found halal labels on certain food products made by UMKM in Pekalongan City. Moreover, the majority of consumers in Pekalongan City are Muslims who strongly require need a halal labeling on food products. Business operators should seek halal certification of their processed products; however, in reality, many processed products lack halal guarantees. This research addresses the problem of educating UMKM business operators in the food product sector about the importance of halal certification, how to protect consumers if the food product already has a halal label, what is the role of the MUI if someone falsifies the halal label. The research method used is empirical juridical, normative juridical. Analysis using qualitative analysis.
Keywords: halal certification, consumer protection
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