Revealing Indonesian Identity in National and State Life: Putri Petong Folklore




According to RI Law Number 3 of 2022, the Republic of Indonesia's Capital City will be in East Kalimantan, which covers the areas of Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency, and Kutai Kartanegara Regency. This study study must bewas conducted with the aim to conserve the indigenous ethnic knowledge values of the IKN people, which are potentially threatened withon the verge of extinction, and to enhance Indonesian identity, which supports the development of the IKN in the life of the nation and state. This shift must be anticipated to protect indigenous ethnic' local wisdom values in the region. The character values included in the folklore "Putri Petong" is the focus of this investigation. This researchThe study aims to describe the story's Indonesian identity (character values). The research problem is as follows: what What are the values of character education in Putri Petong's story, and how are these character values implemented in the nation's life based on Putri Petong's story? It is a descriptive qualitative study. The discourse analysis theory of Van Dijk is utilized to analyze Indonesian identity, which is expressed in the content of character values. In character education, published by the Ministry of Education in 2011, Indonesian identity consists of 18 characters. The findings demonstrate that religious character, discipline, hard labor, democracy, love of for the motherland, communicative/friendly, peace-loving, social concern, and responsibility reflect the Indonesian identity of life as a nation. Putri Petong, the main character in this folklore, manages, develops, and protects her kingdom with the strength of her character as a statesman who upholds democracy, loves the country, and accepts responsibility, which is subsequently replicated by her subordinates.

Keywords: Indonesian identity, character education, folklore, East Kalimantan, Capital of the Archipelago


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How to Cite

‎ , R., Setiyanto, E., R., H. F., Rosita, E., & Susilastri, D. (2024). Revealing Indonesian Identity in National and State Life: Putri Petong Folklore. KnE Social Sciences, 9(24), 707–715.