Board of Commissioners, Chairman of Board of Directors, and Performance Audit Reports on Indonesian Banking Sector: The GMM System Approach
In addition to increasing the banking industry’s relevance, timely audit reporting builds the industry’s credibility, dependability, and confidence. Still, bank delays in audit reporting are a constant in practically every nation, including Indonesia. The chairman of the board of directors and the board of commissioners’ roles in audit reporting performance are investigated in this study. This study examines three significant variables that have not been examined by prior researchers, namely the number of female commissioners, the chairman of the Board of Directors’ term of office, and the independence and size of the Board of Commissioners, in relation to the performance of audit reporting in the banking sector. The study samples were 43 commercial banks in the Indonesian capital market during the 2014-2021 period. Data is estimated using the generalized method of moments (GMM). The results show that the reporting performance of the banking sector audit in the current year is positively influenced by the performance in the previous year. The size and independence of the board of commissioners increase the banking sector audit reporting performance, conversely. The term of office of the chairman of the board decreases audit reporting performance. This study did not find the significant role of the board of commissioners and the age of the chairman of the board of directors on the reporting performance of the banking sector in Indonesia.
Keywords: board of commissioners, chairman of board of directors, audit report lag, GMM system approach
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