Analysis of HNI Website Service Quality Using Webqual 4.0 and Importance-performance Analysis (IPA) Methods in Sei Beduk District, Batam City
In the advancement of information technology (IT), websites have become an important component. Halal network international (HNI) is one of the halal network business companies in Indonesia that focuses on herbal products. In companies In the field of herbal medicine companies like HNI prioritize customer satisfaction. The use of a website is one of HNI’s means of promoting and providing information about the world around HNI. This study aims to analyze each variable of webqual 4.0 and the gap between the expectations of HNI website users and the services provided by the HNI website. The method used is website quality 4.0 analysis (usability quality, information quality, service quality) and importance-performance analysis (IPA). The number of respondents in this study were 150 people. The results show that the HNI website has met the requirements as one of the e-commerce that can be used as one of the websites that can be developed in the future. In addition, the HNI Website can be used as a profitable side business for now and in the future. However, in the development of this website, it still needs to make improvements by providing more information, being up-to-date, and accurate information so that it can provide more positive value for users/agents.
Keywords: importance-performance analysis, HNI, webqual 4.0, website
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