A Review on Added Value in Property Business Strategy Development
Business strategy is a choice made by executives in determining target markets to win the market by maximizing long-term value. Listed property companies strive for business strategies by creating differentiated value propositions through company capabilities. Competing companies will also make similar efforts to win sustainable competition through developing consistent and sustainable business strategies. Shares of property companies are an important value to pay attention to considering that stakeholders, especially shareholders, investors, and owners expect portfolio value from property products related to added value. This research aims to find out, how to develop business strategies related to added value in property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and included in the LQ45 index. This research uses a descriptive approach with a mixed concurrent research method and data collection using observations, questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies from the top five property companies over 3 consecutive years. The research findings were that the development of the business strategy chosen by respondents was an effort to attract investors, retain investors, and increase wealth for investors with the main added value being increased flexibility, cost efficiency, and risk control in addition to other added values. An interesting thing to examine from this research is the development of property company business strategies for apartment products that prioritize investors related to three of the seven elements of added value.
Keywords: added value, strategy development, property business
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