Development of Halal Tourism Organization in Banda Aceh City
The national long-term development strategy includes the development of tourism as a core component. This program is supported by the issuance of special regulations Letter No. 17 of 2016 addressed to the Mayor of Banda Aceh on the Introduction of Halal Tourism. The current research aims to analyze and examine the policies of the Banda Aceh City Government in organizing Halal Tourism and providing supporting facilities and infrastructure for it. The method used is qualitatively descriptive. Both primary and secondary data sources are employed. Data were obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on the results of the research and findings in the field, it was found that the Banda Aceh City Government's policy in organizing Halal Tourism in Banda Aceh City is considered to be good and its implementation is also good because of the high community support while carrying out the policy. However, improvements in facilities and infrastructure are still needed to perfect the introduction of Halal tourism in Banda Aceh City. The findings show that t the implementation of halal tourism policies in the City of Banda Aceh is supported by a large number of people who ensure that the City of Banda Aceh becomes a city that adheres to Islamic law and participates in supporting and advancing halal tourism in the city.
Keywords: policy, development, halal tourism, City of Banda Aceh
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