Social Interaction for Empowering and Encouraging Farmer Productivity in Kecamatan Rubaru, Sumenep


  • Arif Firmanto Department Ilmu Sosial, Pasca Sarjana, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang
  • Bonaventura Ngarawula Department Ilmu Sosial, Pasca Sarjana, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang
  • Catur Wahyudi Department Ilmu Sosial, Pasca Sarjana, University of Merdeka Malang, Malang



This research focuses on social interaction and farmer empowerment in Rubaru District, Sumenep, and its impact on agricultural productivity. Social interaction between farmers plays a crucial role in increasing agricultural productivity, while farmer empowerment is an important factor in increasing welfare. This study adopts the framework of symbolic interaction theory to understand the role of communication and interaction in agricultural development. Miles and Huberman’s research method was used, involving in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document content analysis with five informants. The research results show that positive social interactions between farmers contribute to increasing agricultural knowledge, skills, and innovation. Farmer empowerment involves providing knowledge, skills, and access to resources and supporting better decision-making in agriculture. The role of farmer groups and cooperatives in facilitating social interaction and empowering farmers is very important. Madurese people’s myths and cultural beliefs influence farmers’ understanding of agricultural practices. Field instructors need to have cultural sensitivity and effective communication. In conclusion, social interaction and farmer empowerment positively increase agricultural productivity in Rubaru District, Sumenep. Peer-to-peer education and strong relationships between field extension workers and farmers play an important role in knowledge transfer and behavior change, providing valuable insights for the development of farmer empowerment programs and sustainable agricultural development.

Keywords: social interaction, empowerment, farmer groups, productivity


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How to Cite

Firmanto, A., Ngarawula, B., & Wahyudi, C. (2024). Social Interaction for Empowering and Encouraging Farmer Productivity in Kecamatan Rubaru, Sumenep. KnE Social Sciences, 9(26), 80–89.