The Use of Former Stone Excavations in Natural Tourism in Setigi for Raising Village Original Income from a Green Economy Perspective
The government of Indonesia is intensively improving the tourism sector, especially tourist villages. For example, there is one village that has now succeeded in exploring its tourism potential. The village has the potential to become an independent village and be even dubbed as a billionaire village. The name of the village is Sekapuk Village, which is precisely located in Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency. This study aims to determine and analyze the use of former stone excavations in natural tourism after the village’s original income from a green economy perspective. The study uses the descriptive-qualitative method. The subject of the study is natural tourism from the perspective of the green economy to raise the village’s original income. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and literature studies. The result of the study is that Setigi Nature Tourism is a tourist destination that adheres to the principle of green economy, can build a beautiful village tourism, and can be known to foreign countries. With tourism development, not only can the community’s economic problems be solved, but the existence of tourism also affects the village’s original income. There needs to be innovation and promotion so that natural tourism can be more developed and advanced.
Keywords: village, tourism, development
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