Stakeholders Analysis in the Development of Local Paddy Varieties in Padang City


  • Rini Hakimi Department of Economic Society, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas, Kampus Unand Limau Manis, Padang City
  • Dian Hafizah Department of Economic Society, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas, Kampus Unand Limau Manis, Padang City
  • Widya Fitriana Department of Economic Society, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas, Kampus Unand Limau Manis, Padang City



The development of local paddy varieties involves many stakeholders. Each stakeholder has a different role ranging from the socialization and farming to the marketing of local rice varieties. This research aims to identify stakeholders and analyze their role in developing local paddy varieties using a descriptive qualitative method. The respondents in this research are stakeholders involved in the development of local paddy varieties in Padang City. The results show that the stakeholders involved are the Padang City Agriculture Office, Agricultural Extension Center, farmers, farmer groups, landowners, seed breeders, production facilities providers, agricultural labor, rice milling units, collecting traders, colleges, sub-district administration, urban village administration, financial institutions, the Regional People’s Representative Council, retailers, and consumers. Classifications of stakeholders show that the Padang City Agriculture Office, the Agricultural Extension Center, farmers, and farmer groups have high influence and interest. These stakeholders are classified as key players. Meanwhile, sub-district administration, urban village administration, financial institutions, and Regional People’s Representative Council have low influence and interest. They are classified as the crowd. All of the stakeholders mentioned that roles play their position as policymakers, coordinators, facilitators, implementers, and accelerators.

Keywords: paddy, stakeholders, interest, power, role


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How to Cite

Hakimi, R., Hafizah, D., & Fitriana, W. (2024). Stakeholders Analysis in the Development of Local Paddy Varieties in Padang City. KnE Social Sciences, 9(26), 122–132.