Utilization of Media and Institutional Support for Urban Farming in Pekanbaru City
Urban farming is important in supporting food security in urban areas. This study aims to identify the use of communication media in implementing urban farming and supporting institutions in the application of urban farming. This research was conducted using a survey method with samples selected in tiers representing each extension institution of farmer women groups. Furthermore, data were gathered from interviews and FGDs. The results showed that accessing information and communication behavior was in the excellent category with a score of 4.65. There are different types of facilities that are currently used by farmers to access information, namely smartphones where the extension workers always provide information related to farming, and printed extension media such as brochures, flyers, and books related to vegetable farming. Farmer knowledge about information sources is also in an excellent category. They know the types of information sources and how to get information according to their needs that comes from reliable and accurate sources. Farmers received full support from local leaders and the government through the food crops and fisheries office of the city of Pekanbaru with regular counseling held by extension workers, and socialization related to urban farming.
Keywords: extension media, institution support, urban farming, women farmer group
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