Consumer Perception of Palm Sugar Products in Rokan Hulu District, Indonesia: A Prospective Analysis Approach
The demand for palm sugar has been consistently increasing each year, particularly due to the growing public awareness of health benefits. Palm sugar is considered a safer sweetener option due to its low glycemic index and absence of side effects. The primary objective of this research is to analyze consumer perceptions regarding the attributes of palm sugar. This analysis is crucial in assessing consumer satisfaction and loyalty toward palm sugar consumption. Consequently, the findings will contribute to enhancing the marketing mix strategies for palm sugar. The survey method was employed to conduct this research, with a sample size of 30 consumer respondents selected through random sampling. Additionally, an opinion poll was conducted with key individuals to gather insights on the development of palm sugar products. The collected data were then analyzed using a prospective analysis approach. The research results indicate that specific attributes significantly influence consumer perceptions when purchasing palm sugar. Consumer perceptions in purchasing palm sugar are based on details of the marketing mix attributes which are the determining attributes, namely: taste, quality, palm sugar color, texture, popularity of craftsmen, and price. The marketing development implications of this research are improvements to three attribute components, namely raw material composition information, product standards, hygiene, partnerships, and technology. This serves as a consideration for craftsmen to improve consumer perceptions of palm sugar.
Keywords: marketing of palm sugar, perception, prospective
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