The Influence of Various Biostimulant Formulas Supplemented with Microbes and Their Application Frequency on Corn Productivity in Tidal Swamplands
Corn is the second most important food commodity in Indonesia. However, its production is lower than the demand. This problem can be overcome using suboptimal land, such as tidal swampland, with its naturally low productivity. The soil quality in such areas can be improved by applying biostimulant. Therefore, this study aims to examine various biostimulant formulas supplemented with microbes and their application frequency on corn productivity in tidal swamplands. It was conducted on a pot experiment using a completely randomized block design with three replications. The treatments were six formulas of biostimulant, each with three application frequencies. The biostimulant materials included rice husk ash, golden apple snail extract, and microbes serving as P-solubilizers, N2-fixers, and IAA phytohormone. The results revealed that biostimulant formulas can increase the production of corn. The B3 formula, followed by the B4 and B5 formula, led to superior grain yields compared to the other treatments. In comparison, the most effective application frequency was observed with four times application (D2) followed by five times application (D3) as the next best option. These biostimulant formulas need to be tested in the field to know their effectiveness in tidal swamplands.
Keywords: corn productivity, biostimulant formulas, tidal swamplands, microbial supplements
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