Genetic Diversity of Local Chili (Capsicum annum L.) from West Sumatra Indonesia Based on Inter Simple Sequences Repeat (ISSR) Markers
Capsicum annum L. is the most widely cultivated species due to its economic importance and health benefits. West Sumatra is one of the largest chili pepper producers in Indonesia, so it has a lot of local chili genetic resources. There is inadequate information on the genetic diversity of local chilies in West Sumatra. The purpose of this research was to analyze the genetic diversity of 23 genotypes of chili pepper from West Sumatra amplified with 10 markers of ISSR. The material used was leaves from 23 genotypes of West Sumatra’s local chili which are collections of the Agriculture Faculty, Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatra. The results showed that ISSR markers (ISSR primer 12, ISSR UBC, and ISSR 3M) had produced 84 polymorphic DNA bands with a total polymorphic percentage of 61.45%. The dendrogram based on 10 ISSR markers showed that the 23 chili genotypes were retrieved into three main groups (I, II, III, IV) with genetic similarity coefficient values ranging from 0.67 to 0.97 or a diversity of features of 0.03–0.33 (30%). Group I consisted of 1 genotype, group II consisted of 3 genotypes, and group III consisted of 14 genotypes. Kopay chili (G20) has a large genetic distance compared to the other genotypes, while Lolai and Gero chilies have a very high similarity. This genetic diversity information can be used as a basis for generating crosses between genotypes in a breeding program. The farther the genetic distance will produce a high population diversity, the greater the chance of getting superior hybrids.
Keywords: Capsicum annum, ISSR, local chili, West Sumatra
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