The Implementation of Public Services Through the Curhat Ning Ita Application in Realizing Smart Governance at the Mojokerto City Communication and Information Office
This study aims to analyze the implementation of public services through the Curhat Ning Ita Application in Realizing Smart Governance at the Communication and Information Office of the city of Mojokerto. The study uses qualitative methods with descriptive type. Data collection techniques were interviews with informants, documentation, surveys, and written documents. The results show that the implementation of public services through the Curhat Ning Ita application in realizing smart governance in the Diskominfo of Mojokerto city has been running well. Based on these results, it can be concluded that Diskominfo Mojokerto City has succeeded in realizing Smart Governance through the Curhat Ning Ita public service application.
Keywords: service, application, smart, governance
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