Traditional Marriage Culture Among People from Different Nationalities: A Study of Cultural Adaptation in the Gampong Iboih Community, Suka Karya District, Sabang City, Aceh Province
A marriage between different nationalities is a marriage between two people residing in Indonesia who are subject to different laws due to differences in nationality, with one of the parties being an Indonesian citizen. The process of implementing marriages between nations often requires cultural adaptation. Cultural adaptation in traditional marriages between nations is a process in which couples from different cultures attempt to incorporate elements from their respective cultures into their marriage. This is an important step in understanding and respecting cultural differences, as well as ensuring that the marriage takes place in harmony. Apart from the many factors that support marriage between nations, various factors inhibit marriage between nations, obstacles, and problems that affect the harmony of relationships. Thus, this research aims to describe and analyze cultural adaptations to marriage between nations in the Gampong Iboih community, Suka Makmue District, Sabang City and analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors of marriage culture in the Gampong Iboih community, Suka Makmue District, Sabang City. The research uses a qualitative approach method and the nature of the research used is a descriptive analysis of research case studies. Data sources come from primary and secondary data, and data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. Interviews were conducted in Gampong Iboih, Suka Makmue District, Sabang City, Aceh Province. The informants in this research were members of community groups who carried out traditional marriages between nations. Results show that the cultural adaptation process resulting from marriage between nations takes the form of language/communication, wedding ceremonies, culinary traditions, and children’s education. The supporting factors for marriage between nations include openness, tolerance between both parties, flexibility, education, and social support. Apart from that, several factors inhibit marriage between nations, namely different values and norms between husband and wife, citizenship and legal issues, and language differences.
Keywords: marriage of different nationalities, cultural adaptation
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