Optimization of Digitally Certified Halal CMSMEs: Study on MSMEs in Banyuwangi


  • Nurul Alfiyah Department of Agribusiness, Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi, Banyuwangi https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4065-7771
  • Novilia Kareja Department of Agribusiness, Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi, Banyuwangi
  • Bahaduri Indraloka Department of Agribusiness, Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi, Banyuwangi




Abstract. Banyuwangi is one of the regions in Indonesia which is experiencing massive tourism growth. This also encourages growth in related sectors, one of which is the food industry. MSMEs in the food industry continue to grow in Banyuwangi, and the level of concern for halal-certified products continues to increase. This research aims to help optimize digitally certified halal MSMEs with the ease of submitting halal certification online. It is expected to increase the interest of MSME actors to take care of halal certification. This study uses SWOT analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges for halal food products in Banyuwangi. Respondents in this study are certified Halal Companions, MSMEs in the food sector, and the Cooperative Office. Results show that the lack of information related to halal certification among business owners is one of the problems that are widely encountered. Massive dissemination of information related to halal certification to businesses through various media is suggested. In addition, meeting business owners directly is expected to minimize this gap.

Keywords: MSMEs, halal certification, SWOT analysis


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How to Cite

Alfiyah, N., Kareja, N., & Indraloka, B. (2024). Optimization of Digitally Certified Halal CMSMEs: Study on MSMEs in Banyuwangi. KnE Social Sciences, 9(27), 334–347. https://doi.org/10.18502/kss.v9i27.17117